MRF Responds To NHTSA Survey - ABATE of Ohio Inc.

MRF Responds To NHTSA Survey

Last week, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) submitted comments to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on a proposed survey of bikerā€™s thoughts on motorcycle avoidance technology. The MRF submitted comments highlighting two areas of a proposed survey that we feel should not be ignored.

First, we pointed out that any survey should be designed in a way that does not skew the questions or responses in a way that favors one outcome over another. The way a question is phrased can shape the nature of the response. The MRF and our members want true and unbiased results from any federally funded study.

Secondly, the motorcycling community is not monolithic. As all members of the MRF know, we represent a diverse set of viewpoints, demographics, riding history and several other factors that make us unique! Creating a survey incorporating as many perspectives as possible is the best way to understand what the millions of bikers in this country believe.

Click the button below to read all the MRF’s formal comments to this survey. As a reminder, these comments only pertain to the proposed survey. However, we know that any survey results will likely be used to promote future policies that impact all of us.

The MRF will stay vigilant here in D.C.

Thank you for empowering us to remain the voice of our nation’s street riders.

Ride Safe and Ride Free.

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