Renew Call To Action - H. R. 906 - ABATE of Ohio Inc.

Renew Call To Action – H. R. 906

The REPAIR Act, H. R. 906 remains in the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. This 52 Representative committee has someone from most US States and they need to move this legislation on for a vote of the full House of Representatives.

“By joining together to protect our lifestyle and freedoms we are putting regulatory agencies and congress on notice, these freedoms are valuable and worth protecting.”
 – Bob Kay
   Motorcycling legend and Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket Council Chair

“You or the repair shop of your choice should have access to the tools, parts and technology you need “
 – Bandit
   Motorcycling legend and self-appointed “janitor” for

Do not let this important legislation die. Contact your Representative and ask for their support and assistance to get H. R. 906 the vote it deserves!

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