Region 16 - ABATE of Ohio Inc.

Region 16

Lorain, Medina, Wayne,  Holmes, Ashland and Richland Counties

Our next meeting is February 9th at 12 noon. We will have raffle tickets and we have fliers for our run in April..

        Will discuss the run and raffle ticket sales....Fill in on what was at the conference

Region Director

Garrison "Cowboy" Whitman


Deputy Director

Garrett Robison
330 570-3309

Events & Webmaster

Kevin Ketcham

Safety & Ed

Danny Wiseman
330 224-4929

Our monthly meetings are at Muddy's

335 E Liberty St, Wooster, Ohio


2nd Sunday of the month, 12 noon !!!!!

Reminder coming up...Cowboy,Dan andKevin will be at the swap meet..Thanks Region 8 !!!!!!!!!!!Drop by and say HI!!!


Ok....I am playing secretary also now...bear with me...
December 8th Meeting....
Meeting started at 12 noon...5 in attendance including me...
Last months minutes are Ok'ed
Treasury report was given and ok'ed
Dan gave a few thoughts on safety....Not much riding going on cause of salt on the roads
Events... Discussed a few things...."Out of Hibernation Run"
Last saturday in April ...April rain date...We are going rain or shine...We will be doing a dice run again...We also will be doing our annual raffle...Going with gift cards...$500 1st place... $300 2nd place ... $200 3rd place.. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20...Decided not to do a meat raffle...Fliers will be out in January we hope...Cowboy should have raffle tickets by this weekend....Best and worst on dice roll for prizes....It will start and end at the Legion in Holmesville....
Seen a flier for the Stark County Fairgrounds swap meet....
We also discussed our new tent to set up...Will talk to Sherri Hill about it this weekend...Cowboy and I decided to get another banner...I will be donating an old style banner....So we will have a new and old one...."Let those who ride decide"...I still like that saying...
A few things going on in the country...Keep looking on our page to see what is happening in the nation.....MRF is doing a great job on the DC front.
Meeting adjourned.....

Good day at the state meeting...I like going so I can keep up on whats going on first hand...Always good spending time with Cowboy and TJ...And talking to the other members of ABATE...We will be at the swap meets coming ...Got to be seen !!!!!!!!! Kay wants everybody to make more of an effort to post stuff on our new website. I do agree...We are listed on the event page on our meetings...2nd Sunday of the month...Our "Out of Hibernation Run" will be posted real soon...I will see about the swap meets being posted cause Region Zero and Region 8 and us attend those...Its almost winter....soon the days will be getting longer again...Looking forward to the seminar coming up quick!!!!!!!!!!

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