Huge Congratulations goes out to ABATE of Louisiana!!!
After eight ( trips to Baton Rouge by ABATE of Louisiana to advocate for their 2024 Legislative Agenda, one (1) bill made it through the process to become law. ABATE brought the MRF legislative issue regarding Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to Representative Dodie Horton. ABATE explained they would like to see Louisiana in the forefront of the battle to preserve the Internal Combustion Engine and consumer choice in the type of vehicle they are allowed to purchase. She liked it and introduced HB 515. It passed the House 98-4 and the Senate unanimously. Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry was among the sixteen (16) Governors who wrote a letter to President Biden asking him to reconsider his Electric Vehicle (EV) mandate. Because of this stance, he signed HB 515 into law on May 28. ABATE members were proud to stand with him as he signed. HB 515 is now Act 251 and becomes effective 08/01/2024. Louisiana stands proud to be the third state in the nation, after Ohio and Kansas, to have a law protecting Internal Combustion Engines and vehicle choice.
Pictured with Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry are Rep. Dodie HOrton, Bossier Chapter President Jacque Lindsey, State SA Mudd Sosbee, and Janet Robbins.