What Does Abate Stand For? - ABATE of Ohio Inc.

What Does Abate Stand For?

ABATE of Ohio, Inc. (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving the rights, improving the image and promoting safe operating practices of Ohio motorcyclists.


ABATE is a freedom of choice organization, dedicated to the premise that the individual is best suited to decide the type of motorcycle to ride, the type of safety gear to wear and their own personal lifestyle.

The primary objective of ABATE is to monitor legislative activity in regard to laws affecting motorcyclists, especially those designed to limit our freedom of choice, and to encourage all members to become politically involved in order to effect positive legislation and deter that of a negative nature. Through public forums, writing letters and meeting elective representatives, ABATE members have the opportunity to present their side of the issues and educate governmental leaders about the needs of Ohio motorcyclists.

Other goals include:

  • Mounting vigorous campaigns for motorcycle rider education and related safety programs.
  • Raising political awareness and encouraging members to register and vote.
  • Supporting the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) and other motorcyclist rights organizations.
  • Dissemination of motorcycling related information, staging events for members, raising of funds for charitable causes and general promotion of motorcycling.