Motorcycle Ohio Program - ABATE of Ohio Inc.

Motorcycle Ohio Program

Visit Motorcycle Ohio's website by clicking on Ohio above to enroll in a course, find a training site, learn how to become an instructor or explore other things they have to offer.

When you purchase a motorcycle license plate, part of the cost goes to fund this program.  ABATE has been successful several times in preserving this fund from those legislators who want to return the money to the general fund. Statistics prove that trained riders have fewer fatalities.

MOTORCYCLE OHIO offers affordable training courses for new, intermediate and more advanced riders.  Their goal is to help Ohioans learn how to ride a motorcycle safely.

The cost to a student is $75. ABATE of Ohio Foundation refunds half, $37.50, to any ABATE of Ohio member who successfully completes any training course.


BASIC RIDER SKILLS for newer riders and those wanting to learn how to ride.

BASIC RIDER SKILLS FOR RETURNING RIDERS for adult riders who have been riding for at least a year or riding again after time away.

BASIC RIDER SKILLS 2 for an early-season refresher, to bond with a new motorcycle or to gain experience riding with a passenger.